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Recorded Future

Breaking News: Recorded Future Emerges as Leading Threat Intelligence Powerhouse

Unrivaled Coverage and Analytical Prowess Drive Industry Recognition

Comprehensive Platform Empowers Organizations to Safeguard Against Cyber Threats

Recorded Future, the world's largest intelligence company, has emerged as the most comprehensive and independent threat intelligence cloud platform. Its platform provides the most extensive coverage across adversaries' infrastructure and delivers actionable insights from a vast array of data sources.

With 1,700 clients, 800 employees, and $200 million in revenue, Recorded Future holds the world's largest holdings of interconnected threat data. Its Intelligence Graph continuously collects, structures, and analyzes vast volumes of information from the open web, dark web, and private sources.

Harnessing machine learning and natural language processing, Recorded Future transforms raw data into actionable insights. Organizations can identify and mitigate risks by leveraging the company's unparalleled intelligence, empowering them to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.
